Essay/Term paper: Gun control 2
Essay, term paper, research paper: College Papers
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We the students of class 7-508 do not agree with the statement that
people should carry weapons. We do not agree with this statement
because we think that violence is increasing too much. In these days
everybody has weapons. Violence is increasing everywhere. Even little
kids take their parent's weapons and killing themselves, family members
and friends. Also at schools kids from ten years or older take weapons
and kill themselves. A couple of days ago there was a big tragedy that
occur in Colorado. All these things that are happening will make crime
increase. People will kill each other more and there will be no place
where you could be safe. To conclude we think that all this violence
should stop because if all this violence keeps on for the new millenium
things will be worst. The only way all this violence will stop is by
the elimination of weapons. We definitely do not agree with the second
amendment because we think that the only people that should carry
weapons are cops, security guards, FBI and people that have work to do
with the government or the city. There for Mr. President we think that
you should make a law to prevent people from carrying weapons.
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